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Sittercity has acquired AssistedLivingSource

Sittercity, a leading online source for caregivers, has acquired AssistedLivingSource and HomeCareProfile to form its new elder care platform, YearsAhead.com. Financial terms of this transaction have not been disclosed.

Sittercity is a leading online source for caregivers. Sittercity.com connects families, individuals and corporate employees with local in-home care. Types of caregivers that can be found on Sittercity.com include babysitters, nannies, pet sitters, dog walkers, senior care providers, housekeepers and tutors.

AssistedLivingSource and HomeCareProfile are free resources to seniors and their families to find the right senior living solution for their family.

Oaklins' media specialist team in New York represented Sittercity in this transaction and acted as its exclusive financial advisor.


Talk to the deal team

 Ken  Sonenclar

Ken Sonenclar

Managing Director
New York, United States
Oaklins DeSilva+Phillips
 Lillian  Liu

Lillian Liu

Managing Director
New York, United States
Oaklins DeSilva+Phillips

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