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deal chiusi in Technology, Media and Telecommunications
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DMR has been acquired by Launchmetrics
TMT | Private Equity

DMR has been acquired by Launchmetrics

The private shareholders of DMR S.r.l. have sold the company to Launchmetrics.

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Bee2Link has acquired Terranova Web Systems
Private Equity | Automotive | TMT

Bee2Link has acquired Terranova Web Systems

Bee2Link (B2L), the leading provider of software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions to the automotive industry in France, has acquired Terranova Web Systems.

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RGI acquires 100% of the shares in Flexperto GmbH
TMT | Private Equity

RGI acquires 100% of the shares in Flexperto GmbH

The shareholders and founders of Flexperto GmbH have sold the company to RGI S.p.A. The founders remain as managing directors and have already reinvested in the parent company. Whereas Flexperto’s sales activities were solely focused on the German-speaking financial services market, with the sale to RGI, both companies seek to expand these activities to other markets and industries.

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“At DMR, we care deeply about each and every one of our clients’ requirements and, as the founder, I have also cared for more than 20 years about our employees, whom I consider my family. Launchmetrics has been a longstanding competitor for us, and this transaction has evolved naturally over the years. My main goal now is to ensure my legacy over the coming years both with DMR clients, whose trust has been essential, and with DMR’s worldwide staff, who have always been by my side throughout this exciting journey.”

Enzo di Sarli

President and Founder, DMR Group (left)

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Zurigo, Svizzera
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New York, Stati Uniti d’America
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