US private equity firm partners with leading UK leisure and entertainment operator
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Trive Capital (Trive) has announced the completion of its take-private acquisition of Ten Entertainment Group (Tenpin), a premier bowling and family entertainment center operator based in the UK, which was formerly listed on the London Stock Exchange.
Trive is a Texas-based private equity firm with more than US$4 billion of regulatory assets under management. The firm focuses on investing equity and debt in what it sees as strategically viable middle-market companies with the potential for transformational upside through operational improvement.
We are excited to partner with a leading leisure and entertainment operator, with a high-quality management team focused on innovation and providing a best-in-class customer experience. Trive looks forward to continuing to invest in and behind the platform to support the employee base, enhance the existing portfolio, and facilitate estate expansion.SHRAVAN THADANI, PARTNER, TRIVE CAPITAL, USA
Oaklins’ expertise was instrumental in facilitating this deal
Oaklins Cavendish, based in the UK, were sole financial advisors to Trive for the acquisition, providing strategic and tactical advice regarding discussions with the target and shareholders, and providing regulatory and technical expertise in navigating the complexities of the UK Takeover Code and LSE Listing Rule requirements.
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