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Landwirtschaft | Automobilindustrie | Maschinen- & Anlagenbau, Komponenten | TMT

Ecorobotix schliesst Kapitalbeschaffung ab

Ecorobotix hat USD 52 Millionen aufgenommen. Das neue Kapital wird es dem Unternehmen ermöglichen, neue Märkte zu erschliessen, seine Produktpalette zu erweitern und auf dem bestehenden Geschäftserfolg von ARA in Europa aufzubauen.

Ecorobotix, der Schweizer Hersteller von ARA, entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt innovative Landmaschinen, die wenig Energie verbrauchen und die negativen ökologischen Auswirkungen der modernen Landwirtschaft reduzieren, während die Kosten wettbewerbsfähig bleiben.

Die M&A-Berater von Oaklins in Frankreich fungierten als Finanzberater in der Kapitalbeschaffung.


Sprechen Sie mit dem Deal Team

Antoine Lemaire

Paris, Frankreich
Oaklins France

Charlotte Delphis

Paris, Frankreich
Oaklins France


Royal Reesink has sold Motrac Industries to Anders Invest
Private Equity | Maschinen- & Anlagenbau, Komponenten

Royal Reesink has sold Motrac Industries to Anders Invest

Royal Reesink and Anders Invest have completed the sale of Motrac Industries, a specialist in hydraulic and electrical engineering.

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STAC has been acquired by n2 Group
Dienstleistungen | TMT

STAC has been acquired by n2 Group

Strategic Technology Analysis Center (STAC), a world leader in financial-technology benchmarking and events, has been acquired by n2 Group, the UK specialists in advanced computation and IT infrastructure.

STAC joins NAG and VSNi in the growing community of n2 Group companies dedicated to advancing computation through collective innovation, technical excellence and long-term strategic growth. STAC will operate as an independent business within n2, maintaining its brand, identity and ethos.

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Winking Studios Limited completes a secondary fundraising of US$20 million
Andere Branchen | TMT

Winking Studios Limited completes a secondary fundraising of US$20 million

Winking Studios has successfully raised US$20 million to fund its business strategy and future plans, such as strategic acquisitions, alliances and joint ventures as well as secondary or dual listings, to grow the group’s market share and broaden its customer base globally.

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