Elevating the standard in roofing accessories
Deal Flash
OmniMax International, a leading North American manufacturer of roofing accessories and rainware products, has acquired Millennium Metals, a prominent roofing accessories manufacturer based in Jacksonville, Florida.
Millennium Metals has built a 25-year legacy of delivering quality roofing accessories and exceptional service to its regional customer base. Joining OmniMax provides Millennium with enhanced manufacturing capabilities and a broader product offering to deliver unparalleled quality, service and value to their customers, while also creating new opportunities for employees and stakeholders.
Oaklins Heritage was instrumental in helping OmniMax International acquire Millennium Metals. They introduced us to this valuable opportunity, and helped build rapport and trust between the two sides. Establishing this foundation was critical for executing the partnership and ultimately positioning OmniMax for long-term success in the roofing accessories sector.MIKE KUHARSKI, CHIEF STRATEGY & DEVELOPMENT OFFICER, OMNIMAX, UNITED STATES
Oaklins worked tirelessly towards the success of this transaction
As OmniMax’s buy-side advisor, Oaklins Heritage in Jacksonville identified Millennium Metals as a strategic target, guided the valuation and due diligence processes, and facilitated negotiations to ensure a seamless transaction. By leveraging market expertise and managing communications, Oaklins’ team in Jacksonville helped OmniMax secure a growth-enhancing acquisition that strengthens its portfolio and positions it for continued success in the roofing accessories market. With a successful transaction completed, OmniMax maintains an ongoing partnership with the Oaklins Heritage team, which continues to actively pursue acquisition opportunities on OmniMax’s behalf.
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