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Maquinaria y Componentes Industriales

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Royal América has successfully obtained private financing granted by IDB Invest.
Maquinaria y Componentes Industriales

Royal América has successfully obtained private financing granted by IDB Invest.

In November 2022, Royal América successfully obtained US$20 million in private financing, with a tenor of up to seven years, from IDB Invest. Of the US$20 million, US$15 million will be granted to Arrendamiento de Máquinas Royal Rental S.A. in Chile, and US$5 to Royal Rental Colombia S.A.S. in Colombia. The funds will be used mainly for the import of electrical equipment for subsequent lease or sale. The operation will contribute to the development of green mobility in the logistics sector.

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“My team, my family and I are thrilled to form this strategic partnership with KKR, who are the right partners to help take Precipart to the next level. The Oaklins team has been instrumental in concluding the transaction with our partner of choice. We have appreciated their high level of commitment, professionalism and guidance through the whole process.”

Oliver Laubscher

Member of the Board and CEO, Precipart Group Ltd.

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