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Consumer & Retail

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L’M&A è sempre stato una parte importante della strategia di crescita di un consumatore e di una società di vendita al dettaglio. Tuttavia, man mano che la concorrenza si restringe e aumenta la domanda di marchi maggiormente orientati allo scopo, le aziende vengono da noi non solo per ampliarsi, ma anche per rimodellare i loro portfolio per un strategia più incentrata sul cliente.

Sia che tu stia vendendo o acquistando un’azienda, la nostra profonda competenza e relazioni consolidate in tutto, dall’e-commerce alla logistica innovativa, ti guideranno verso il successo nella conclusione delle migliori offerte.

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deal chiusi in Consumer & Retail
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Flygpoolen i Stockholm AB has been acquired by Uvet Viaggio Turismo
Consumer & Retail | TMT

Flygpoolen i Stockholm AB has been acquired by Uvet Viaggio Turismo

Swedish online travel agency Flygpoolen i Stockholm AB (Flygpoolen) has been acquired by the Italian travel management company Uvet Viaggi Turismo, which is part of the Uvet Group S.p.A. (Uvet). The terms of the transaction have not been disclosed. Flygpoolen’s founders will remain with the company to further develop the business within the Uvet Group.

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Coverpla has received majority investment from a group of investors led by GENEO Capital Entrepreneur
Private Equity | Consumer & Retail

Coverpla has received majority investment from a group of investors led by GENEO Capital Entrepreneur

Coverpla Group has successfully completed a majority LBO with a consortium of investors led by GENEO Capital Entrepreneur, together with MACSF, Société Générale Capital Partenaires (SGCP), BNP Paribas Développement, and Bpifrance.

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NB Aurora has acquired a 30% stake in Veneta Cucine
Private Equity | Consumer & Retail

NB Aurora has acquired a 30% stake in Veneta Cucine

NB Aurora S.A. SICAF-RAIF has acquired a stake in Veneta Cucine S.p.A. The transaction is subject to the fulfilment of the relevant conditions, including the granting of antitrust clearance, and is expected to close by the end of the second quarter of 2021.

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“For this new capital operation for our group, my longstanding shareholders and I chose to partner with Oaklins’ team in France. I would like to express my gratitude for the team’s energy and enthusiasm, their constant, professional and meticulous support, their understanding of key moments and their unwavering friendliness, all of which enabled us to successfully complete this transaction on time.”

Bruno Diepois

Chairman, Coverpla

Leggi di più

Le aziende stanno plasmando il futuro attraverso l'attività di M&A

QUARTERLY M&A ACTIVITY (EN): nel quarto trimestre del 2024, Oaklins ha completato 90 transazioni M&A, con TMT e Healthcare in testa, riflettendo innovazione e crescita strategica.

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Elio Battaglia

Managing Director
Milano, Italia
Oaklins Italy

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Chris Tait

Managing Director
Melbourne, Australia
Oaklins Henslow

Hadrien Mollard

Managing Partner
Parigi, Francia
Oaklins France

Dr. Lutz Becker

Associate Partner
Amburgo, Germania
Oaklins Germany

Jonathan Buxton

Londra, Regno Unito
Oaklins Cavendish

Gary S. Rabishaw

Managing Director
Los Angeles, Stati Uniti d’America
Oaklins Intrepid