Bollag-Guggenheim has sold Marc O’Polo in Switzerland
Bollag-Guggenheim AG, the distribution partner of Marc O’Polo in Switzerland, has sold its Marc O’Polo brand division, comprising of a wholesale business and retail stores, to Marc O’Polo.
Over almost two decades, Bollag-Guggenheim has successfully built up the Swiss business of Marc O’Polo. It comprises nine mono-brand stores, 13 franchise stores and more than 100 shop-in-store locations.
Marc O’Polo stands for high-class, contemporary premium modern casual wear. A preference for natural materials, high-quality workmanship and special details characterize the individual style of this international brand with Scandinavian roots, in keeping with the philosophy of its founders: The freedom to be yourself. With approximately 2,000 employees in 40 countries, Marc O’Polo has become one of the leading brands worldwide in its segment.
Bollag-Guggenheim Fashion Group has been present in the Swiss fashion market for over seven decades. The company’s emphasis is on the premium lifestyle segment. Its profound know-how and experience, as well as the synergy between wholesale and retail are key to its success. Bollag-Guggenheim unites under one roof women’s and men’s wear in the contemporary, casual-trendy and jeans fashion segment, complemented with accessories and shoes. Bollag-Guggenheim Fashion Group is nationally and internationally regarded as the guarantor for success in fashion distribution in Switzerland and the principality of Liechtenstein. The business is guided by a family board and run by a strong, uniquely experienced management with its passionate and highly motivated team of over 120 employees.
Oaklins’ team in Switzerland assisted Bollag-Guggenheim in the preparation of the transaction and the discussions with the buyer.

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