Avantus becomes Oaklins Sweden


2019 marks our 20th year of successfully executing M&A transactions on behalf of our clients. By Avantus becoming Oaklins Sweden, 2019 also marks the beginning of a new era. Oaklins is a world-leading and growing organization with a clear focus on sales and acquisitions in the mid-cap segment, present in 40 countries through 60 offices and over 800 M&A professionals in all major financial centers globally. Our company has been a member of the organization since 2003 (formerly M&A International), and we constantly strive to offer our customers a unique combination of the multinational organization’s strength and specialization, and the smaller firm’s flexibility and entrepreneurship.

The Swedish team’s experience from cross-border deals in the mid-market segment reflects Oaklins’ clear focus on strong sector knowledge, our deep connections in local business communities, and our ability to deploy teams across regions and time zones for seamless execution of transactions. We are pleased to further leverage on the long-standing relationship with our Swedish colleagues to increase the value proposition for our clients through a truly global platform for M&A advisory. Reed Phillips, President, Oaklins International.

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Om Oaklins

Oaklins svenska team är specialiserat på rådgivning i samband med förvärv, avyttringar och fusioner av bolag i mid-market-segmentet, samt därtill relatered strategisk rådgivning. Våra uppdragsgivare är privatägda och publika bolag, private equity-hus och finansiella investerare. Vårt team består utav erfarna medarbetare med erfarenhet från ledande befattningar i, eller konsultation till, stora industriella koncerner och familjeägda bolag, investmentbanker, konsultfirmor och finansiella institutioner. Vi engagerar seniora medarbetare i samtliga processer och åtar oss uppdrag inom flertalet industrisegment i vilka vi, utöver finansiell rådgivning, även bidrar med sektor-specifik expertis, som exempelvis professionella tjänster (business support services), konsumentvaror & retail (consumer & retail), sjukvård (healthcare), traditionell industri (industrial machinery & components), samt teknologi (technology).

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